Banatica 33
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.01
Mircea Oanca, Adrian-Ionut Gilea
Noi date despre fortificatia de la Obarseni-Cetatuia, comuna Vinderei, judetul Vaslui
New Data on the Fortification of Obarseni-Cetatuia, Vinderei Commune, Vaslui County
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.02
Cristian Oprean
Date preliminare asupra pieselor realizate din materii dure animale din asezarea neo-eneolitica de la Parta (judetul Timis)
Preliminary Data on the Pieces made of Hard Animal Materials from the Neo?Eneolithic Settlement at Parta (Timis county)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.03
Georgeta El Susi
Reconstituirea ecotipurilor rasiale de animale exploatate in fortificatia hallstattiana de la Teleac (judetul Alba)
Reconstructing of the Racial Eco-types of Animals Exploited in the Hallstattian Fortification at Teleac (Alba county)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.04
Remus Mihai Feraru
Moirele in coloniile grecesti de pe tarmul vestic al Pontului Euxin. Cult, reprezentare iconografica si credinte populare
The Moirai in the Greek Colonies on the Western Shore of the Pontus Euxinus. Cult, Iconography, and Popular Faith
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.05
Sever-Petru Botan, Silviu Gridan
Fragmente de vase si obiecte de sticla provenite din zona bailor castrului roman de la Hoghiz (jud. Brasov)
Glassware Fragments and Beads from the Baths Area of the Roman Castrum at Hoghiz (Brasov county)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.06
Eugen D. Padurean
Cu privire la „Iarcul” de la Cicir – comuna Vladimirescu, judetul Arad
On the „Iarc” at Cicir – Vladimirescu Administrative Unit, Arad County
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.07
Calin Cosma
Moda, statut social sau atribut etnic. Inele pentru deget din secolele VII-VIII descoperite pe teritoriul Transilvaniei
Fashion, Social Status, or Ethnic Attribute. Seventh-Eigth Centuries Finger-Rings Discovered in Transylvania
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.08
Silviu Ota
Piese de armament descoperite in orasul Caransebes (secolele XVI-XVII/XVIII). Consideratii preliminare
Pieces of Armament Found in Caransebes (16th–17/18th centuries). Preliminary Opinions
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.09
Alexandru Munteanu
New Insights regarding the Clay Tobacco Pipes discovered in the Historical City Center of Timisoara
Noi semnificatii privind pipele de lut descoperite in centrul istoric al Timisoarei
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.10
Octavian-Cristian Rogozea, Bogdan Alin Craiovan
Cercetari arheologice de suprafata in hotarul administrativ al municipiului Timisoara si in zona periurbana (II). Repertoriul arheologic al comunei Sanmihaiu Roman (loc. Sanmihaiu Roman, loc. Utvin)
Archaeological Surveys in the Administrative Boundary of the Municipality of Timisoara and in the Peri-urban Area (II). Archaeological Repertoire of Sanmihaiu Roman Commune (Sanmihaiu Roman and Utvin)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.11
Octavian-Cristian Rogozea
Cercetari de suprafata in Dealurile Poganisului. Locuirile din epoca bronzului
Field research in Poganisului Hills. Bronze Age seattlements
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.12
Atalia Onitiu, Mariana Balaci
Cultural Heritage, Social Values and Preventive Archaeological Research in Timisoara
Mostenire culturala, valori sociale si cercetare arheologica preventiva in Timisoara
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.13
Ligia Boldea
Vecinatati domeniale: casatoria in mediul nobiliar din comitatele Banatului medieval (1300–1450)
Domenial Neighbourship: Marriage in the Nobiliary Environment in the Medieval Banat (1300–1450)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.14
Jason Snider
The Military Communication Network in the Portile de Fier under the Teutonic Order, 1429–c. 1435
Reteaua de comunicatii militare la Portile de Fier in vremea Ordinului Teutonic, 1429–1435
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.15
Alexandru Simon
On the Metropolitanate of Severin “in” Transylvanian Feleac: the Archbishop in Transylvania and the Professors of the Greek Faith in the North
Despre Mitropolia Severinului “din” Feleacul transilvan: arhiepiscopul din Transilvania si profesorii de credinta greaca din nord
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.16
Dragos Lucian Tigau
Familia Bakocz (Bacut) de Caransebes in secolele XV–XVI
The Family of Bakocz (Bacut) of Caransebes in the 15th–16th centuries
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.17
Adrian Magina, Livia Magina
Inventarul armamentului cetatii Deva in anul 1640
Weapons Inventory of Deva Fortress in 1640
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.18
Costin Fenesan
Rascoala din 1738 a romanilor banateni si ecoul ei in presa din Europa
The 1738 Uprising of the Banat Romanians and its Echo in the European Press
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.19
Florin Bogdan
Carti romanesti vechi din secolul al XVIII-lea in colectiile Bibliotecii Academiei de stiinte a Ungariei
18th Century old Romanian Books in the Collections of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.20
Cristina Gudin
Reflectarea rascoalei din 1888 in presa vremii
The Uprising of 1888 reflected in the Press of the Time
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.21
Petronel Zahariuc
O fila din istoria evreilor din Iasi de la sfarsitul secolului al XVIII-lea – inceputul secolului al XIX-lea
The Jews’ History in Iasi at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th Century
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.22
Felicia Aneta Oarcea
Nobilimea romaneasca aradeana in veacurile XIX-XX. Familia Petranu de Ileanda – destin si istorie
The Romanian Nobility from the Arad Area in the 19th and 20th Century. Petranu Family of Ileanda – Destiny and History
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.23
Ghizela Cosma
Institutii de ocrotire sociala si sanitara ale societatilor de femei din Clujul interbelic
Social and Sanitary protection Institutions belonging to the Women’s Societies in Cluj in the Interwar Period
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.24
Eusebiu Narai
Relatiile romano?franceze in luna mai 1932, reflectate in paginile cotidianului banatean Vestul
Romanian-French Relations in April 1932, reflected in the Pages of the Banat daily “The West”
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.25
Minodora Damian
Comercianti ai Resitei interbelice
Traders in Resita during the Interwar Period
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.26
Carmen Albert
Iosif Jivan din Seleus si Aurel Cosma jr. Pagini de corespondenta
Iosif Jivan from Seleus and Aurel Cosma jr. Pages of Correspondence
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.27
Felician Velimirovici
Invatamantul de partid si scolile de cadre in Romania comunista. Cazul scolii Interjudetene de Partid din Timisoara
Party Education and Cadre Schools in Communist Romania. The case of Timisoara Intercounty Party School
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.28
Vasile Ramneantu
Institutiile culturale si artistice timisorene in “epoca” autofinantarii (1984–1989)
Cultural and Artistic Institutions in Timisoara, during the Self-finincing “Epoch” (1984–1989)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.29
Claudia M. Bonta
Propaganda istorica si culturala reflectata in colectii grafice muzeale
Historical and Cultural Propaganda reflected in Museum Graphic Collections
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.30
Mihaela Vlasceanu
Concept si identitate in reinterpretarea unui monument de sculptura baroca din Timisoara
Concept and Identity in the Reinterpretation of a Baroque Public Space Statue in Timisoara
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.31
Adrian Deheleanu
Aspecte privind evolutia artei oficiale in Romania comunista in perioada 1965–1974
Aspects regarding the Evolution of Official Art in Communist Romania between 1965 and 1974
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.32
Daniela Popescu
General Opinions and Beliefes about the Romanian Roma People’s Religious Confessions during the 1920s and 1930s
Opinii generale si perceptii referitoare la confesiunile religioase ale minoritatii rome din Romania intre anii 1920–1930
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.33
Sinziana Preda
A fi tigan sub Ceausescu
Being Gypsy during the Ceausescu Era
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.34
Mariana Balaci, Simona Ileana Dabu
Poarta – element al arhitecturii vernaculare banatene
The Gate – an Element of the Vernacular Architecture in Banat
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.35
Catalin Pavel, Animalele care ne fac oameni. Blana, cozi si pene in arheologie, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti, 2021, 392 p. (Sergiu Enache)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56177/banatica.33.1.2023.art.36
Thomas Jordan, A járványokról [Thomas Jordan, Despre epidemii], traducere si note Magyar László András, ed. Robert Offner, Budapest: Gondolat, 2022, 405 p. (Edit Szegedi)